Covid Crime Watch

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"...For the next 12 weeks, the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC) will publish a weekly #COVIDCrimeWatch newsletter. Rounding up a selection of news stories from the global press, the newsletter will explore existing and emerging interactions between COVID-19 and the illicit economy.  It will also include analysis and investigations drawn from our own GI-TOC field and expert networks.... 

Crime and Contagion: The Impact of a Pandemic on Organized Crime

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"The fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic is having profound impacts on society and the economy, and it will also influence and shape organized crime and illicit markets. The institutional response to the pandemic and the consequent reshaping of socio-economic norms worldwide will affect how criminal networks operate, as well as the nature of law-enforcement responses to them"

Coronavirus Transforming Jails Across the Country

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"...Across the country, the coronavirus outbreak is transforming criminal justice in the most transient and turbulent part of the system: local jails. Run mostly by country sheriffs, jails hold an ever-changing assortment of people - those who are awaiting trial and cannot afford to pay bail; those convicted of low-level offences; overflows from crowded prisons."

Coronavirus: Healthcare and Human Rights of People in Prison

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"At the time of publishing there were more than 164,000* confirmed cases of COVID- 19, the novel form of Coronavirus, affecting 110 countries with more than 6,470 deaths. In this briefing we assess the current situation of COVID-19 outbreaks and prevention measures in prisons** and wider impacts of responses to governments on people in criminal justice systems. This briefing note argues for action to be taken now and immediately, given the risk people in prison are exposed to, including prison staff."

Women in Prison: Seeking Justice Behind Bars

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"This report examines the civil rights of women in United States prisons. The population of women in prison has increased dramatically since the 1980s, and this growth has outpaced that of men in prison, yet there have been few national-level studies of the civil rights issues incarcerated women experience. The Commission studied a range of issues that impact incarcerated women, including deprivations of women’s medical needs that may violate the constitutional requirement to provide adequate medical care for all prisoners; implementation of the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA); and the sufficiency of programs to meet women’s needs after release. The Commission also examined disparities in discipline practices for women in prison compared with men, and the impacts of incarcerated women being placed far from home or having their parental rights terminated."

Criminal Prosecutions and the 2008 Financial Crisis in the US and Iceland: What Can a Small Town Icelandic Police Chief Teach the US About Prosecuting Wall Street?

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"Politicians, journalists, and academics alike highlight the paucity of criminal prosecutions for senior financial executives in the United States in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis."

"Barriers" in Canada's Legal System Complicating Fight to End Domestic Violence

This story is part of Stopping Domestic Violence, a CBC News series looking at the crisis of intimate partner violence in Canada and what can be done to end it. 

Sentencing of Women Convicted of Drug-Related Offences

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"Drug‐related offences are known to have a particular and disproportionate impact on women. This report considers five key questions relating to the sentences imposed on women for drug‐related offences across criminal justice systems in 18 jurisdictions."

Installing Fear: A Canadian Legal and Policy Analysis of Using, Developing, and Selling Smartphone Spyware...

This report is part of a two-part series on technology-facilitated violence, abuse, and harassment. Read both reports in full:

The Predator in Your Pocket: A Multidisciplinary Assessment of the Stalkerware Application Industry

Does Bail Reform Increase Crime? An Empirical Assessment of the Public Safety Implications of Bail Reforms in Cook County, Illinois

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"Recently bail reform issues have been in the news across the country, as concerns about fair treatment of defendants and possible public safety risks from expanding pretrial release have collided....

Cook County’s Bail Reform Study concluded that the new procedures had released many more defendants before trial without any concomitant increase in crime. This article disputes the Study’s conclusions. This article explains that, contrary to the Study’s assertions, the new changes to pretrial release procedures appear to have led to a substantial increase in crimes committed by pretrial releasees in Cook County."

"Justice for All": The Necessity of New Prosecutorial Accountability Measures

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"Prosecutorial misconduct is a widespread issue in the American criminal justice system today. Unethical behavior by prosecutors has been a consistent, recurring issue for decades and only continues to worsen over time. Perhaps of most concern, prosecutorial misconduct often results in the wrongful convictions of innocent people. The inequity may take on many forms, including, but not limited to, withholding exculpatory evidence, encouraging false testimony, relying on phony forensic experts, and overstating the strength of the evidence during plea negotiations."

Why a Measly Five Tons of Cocaine has Costa Rica Deeply Worried

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"...The February 15 seizure of a drug shipment that would have fetched nearly $140 million at wholesale prices at its destination was celebrated as testimony to the strides Costa Rica has taken to improve its drug interdiction capacity.

However, this success may prove to be little more than a silver lining to the dark cloud now hovering over the country. The seizure confirmed what has been increasingly evident in recent years: Costa Rica is now a major exporter of cocaine to Europe — and the shipments it sends are being handled by ever more sophisticated national networks."