Court-Mandated Interventions for Individuals Convicted of Domestic Violence

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"The objective of this review was to determine if court-mandated group-based batterer intervention programs are effective at reducing intimate partner violence among male batterers."

"This update of a Campbell systematic review examines the effects of court-mandated batterer intervention programs for adult males who have perpetrated intimate-partner violence."

"The review summarizes the evidence from 11 high-quality studies, including four randomized controlled trials and eight quasi-experimental comparison group studies.

Eight studies were conducted in the USA, two in Canada and one in Australia."

"The studies we included do not support the effectiveness of court-mandated batterer intervention programs. There are two important caveats.

First, there is not enough evidence to draw a strong conclusion that these programs do not work. The evidence is insufficient to conclude that they do work.

Second, there is a new generation of these programs that have incorporated new elements, such as motivational interviewing. Meta-analyses have established that motivational interviewing improves in-program outcomes, such as attendance and other indicators of compliance, but there is insufficient evidence to establish whether these newer generation programs reduce post-program intimate partner violence."

"The classic batterer intervention program that relied solely on a feminist framework, a cognitive-behavioral model, or a mix of the two, is unlikely to provide a meaningful solution to the problem of intimate partner violence. New programs and/or entirely new approaches to this important social problem should be explored."

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