B.C. considers provincial police after Ottawa threatens RCMP withdrawal

Ottawa is threatening to pull all RCMP municipal detachments out of British Columbia if the province does not sign a take-it-or-leave-it new policing contract by the end of November.

B.C. Solicitor-General Shirley Bond said the federal government’s ultimatum leaves the province with no option but to begin investigating the possibility of re-establishing its own police force, something it hasn’t had since 1950.

“I don’t want to characterize it that I’m looking at a provincial police force,” Ms. Bond told reporters, after her startling announcement Tuesday at the annual Union of B.C. Municipalities convention.

“My number one priority is reaching a settlement with the federal government to maintain an RCMP contract. But when you receive an ultimatum that the RCMP may be withdrawing from this province, I think any responsible minister would begin to do their homework.”

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