Police Boards want Chiefs to have Freedom to Suspend Officers without Pay
"A new survey suggests Ontario’s police governing agencies want the province to grant police chiefs the authority to suspend officers accused of serious misconduct without pay.

More than 100 police boards responded to a survey by the Ontario Association of Police Services Boards, which aimed to identify priorities as the provincial government revisits the Police Services Act for the first time in more than 25 years.

Modernizing labour relations practices was one of five areas named, as well as strengthening police board governance, allowing police to delegate some duties to civilians, mandating co-operation with other agencies and improving third-party oversight of police."

View the Survey Results

View the Backgrounder

1 comment:

Clive Davies said...

There are two problems here. The Municipalities see this as a cost saving opportunity. The Police Association has consistently fought hard to retain this right. The Police Service is in a somewhat different position to the rest of the labour force in that it is not unusual for an officer to receive unfounded complaints with the intention of using it as a bargaining chip in later prosecution. To suspend such officers without pay would often cause undue financial hardship on officer and his family andperhaps encourage an even greater number of false charges.
Clive Davies Hons, B.A. Detective (Ret)